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The Best Stress Management Tool Ever



Den 14:e oktober 2015 intervjuades Anders Olsson av Leslie Green i hennes radioprogram Love, Trust & Pixie DustBlog Talk Radio. Intervjun är på ca en timme och du kan lyssna på den längst ned. Leslies beskrivning av intervjun är som följer:

The Best Stress Management Tool Ever

Every hour this happens 1,000 times. What is it? I’ll give you a hint: you do it, I do it, babies do it, your dog is doing it right now. It’s this thing, that unless we’re doing yoga, Pilates, Qigong, or meditating, we don’t even pay attention to it. Yet it’s the best stress management tool on the planet, one you don’t have to remember to pack, because it’s always with you, and best of all, it’s free! Yes, it’s your breath! But as simple as it sounds, we tend to royally screw it up.

Now if you’re thinking, breathing…BO-RING…not today! We have Anders Olsson, a self-declared breathing nerd who believes he can change the world into a more loving community by inspiring people to improve their breathing habits. I’ve had the pleasure of hearing Anders speak live, where he took breathing to a whole new level. Topics included hormonal imbalances, pain management, asthma, sports mentality, and even sex life! You will soon see, there’s a whole lot more to breathing than meets the eye. By the end of this show, you will learn at least 10 breathing tips that you can begin to apply to your life today…that’s 10 tips that will enhance your health and enhance your life!

The post The Best Stress Management Tool Ever appeared first on Medveten Andning.

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